Smart technology is here to stay. The inside spaces where humans live and work are a great showcase for how technology can make everyday life easier and more efficient. Deployment and management of connected devices within existing structures poses varying considerations, and sometimes challenges. Read on to find out what you need to keep in mind when planning and deploying connected technology in Smart Buildings.

Energy optimisation measures – efficiency vs comfort

Smart technology can make buildings greener, cleaner and more efficient. Connected sensors that monitor temperature, footfall and air quality can inform heating systems, cleaning rotas and lighting. But it is possible to take efficiency too far. The comfort of one employee using a room is still important – low footfall doesn’t always mean that turning the heating down is the right decision.


Employees or residents of buildings appreciate being consulted about whether they are feeling too hot or too cold, if the lights are too bright or if their computer screens are at the right height. However, people can soon get fed up of filling in surveys and doing so becomes a chore. Seeking an alternative way to obtaining feedback by making the process automated could make it less onerous on the users and more efficient for the building itself. In the future, wearables could offer feedback to buildings on individual users’ temperature, well-being and comfort. Data security is of utmost importance here, and trust in the sophistication of building automation systems to react to individual preferences is also key.

Cellular vs WiFi

Building automation and optimisation systems are most easily deployed when they are incorporated into the architect planning stage of the building or complex, although this of course only applies to new builds.  Cellular connectivity makes deployment and management of smart technologies simple, cost-effective and secure. Using cellular removes the risks associated with relying on legacy fixed wire systems that are often managed by IT departments or off-site 3rd parties. Using managed connectivity services keeps personal data encrypted and off the public internet, gives facility management teams transparency of their devices, and reduces the risks of latency or outages affecting the integrity of the data.

The buildings of the future need to be sustainable, inclusive and efficient. Connected sensors, smart heating and lighting systems, assistive technologies and intelligent building automation can all make this possible. Read the upcoming blogs in our Smart Spaces series for more on how technology is changing our indoor and outdoor spaces for the better.

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